Bruce works on the OSBDC Network Capital Access Team and teaches segments on lending for every program. With a wide variety of background in a broad swath of industries (from journalism, to energy efficiency companies), Bruce brings insight, knowledge, and experience to Oregon businesses looking for capital to grow.
Meet Capital Access Team Member: Bruce Melzer
Topics: Small Business, Meet the SBDC Team, Capital Access Team, PCC Stories
Every term, thousands of students benefit from the valuable in-person and online coursework at Portland Community College. While some coursework results in long-term enrollment for multiple years, shorter programs quickly move students from their first course into their first job in a new industry.
Topics: Portland Community College, PCC, Job Search
High Demand Careers of the 2020s
Portland is a city of the future, and the significant career trends reflect in the marketplace. While the 2020s have many uncertainties about what industries will emerge as most successful, it is becoming increasingly clear that specific fields will be vital in employing hundreds or even thousands of people, compared to past decades.
Topics: Business, Employee Training, High Demand Careers
Becoming an Inclusive Leader
In any healthy team of professionals, there will occasionally be disagreement. Team members bring different perspectives, priorities, and risk tolerances, so they will advocate for different paths forward. This discord seems like an annoying roadblock until you realize it’s better than the alternative. Corporate cultures where a single suggestion is mindlessly accepted offer far fewer opportunities for refining and finding the best option available.
You don't have to give up efficiency or give up having a variety of opinions on the table. Healthy disagreement, respectful conversation, and finding a truly ideal solution are possible when you work toward inclusive leadership.
Topics: Leadership, Equity & Inclusion
What to Consider When Going to Back College Post-Pandemic
Anyone actively involved in higher education in the past two years has had a wild ride. From instructors to students to administrators, no one had an easy time making choices, adapting courses, or learning in a new setting. Many prospective students continue to wonder how COVID-19 changed the college experience in 2020 and 2021 and beyond. They are looking to the future and asking, “When the pandemic ends, will school change forever?”
Topics: Covid-19, Customized Training, Remote Career Training
Pros and Cons of Becoming a Dental Assistant
There will always be perks and drawbacks when you choose to pursue a new career, be it for the first time or as you’re switching industries. Any career counselor would tell you to choose a career based on your preferences and aversions. For instance, if you have always struggled with and disliked math, choosing an actuarial or accounting career could make your day-to-day challenging. If you've been holed up with a calculator doing equations for fun throughout your youth, it might be the perfect fit.
Topics: Healthcare Operations, dental assisting
Navigating Conversations Around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Work
Many people have approached the United States' increased focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in different ways over the past few years. Reading books about lesser-known histories of cultures in the United States has been eye-opening for some. For others, it's more relational, talking to friends, family, and coworkers to see if their experiences can help inform more equitable and positive experiences and relationships in the future.
Topics: Professional Development, Communications, Equity & Inclusion
Client Success Story: Syndicate Wine Bar, Beaverton, OR
Angela and David Anderson spent years helping Oregon’s wine industry grow by providing Web and consulting services for restaurants and wineries. In 2019 they stepped onto the front line of the industry and opened Syndicate Wine Bar in downtown Beaverton. Syndicate is “a community wine bar, bringing in all facet of wine culture,” they wrote. "A place where all people could sip, sample, buy bottles and snack on appetizers."
Topics: Small Business, Business Profiles
The Importance of Understanding Various Cultures as a Health Professional
Living in a diverse area like Portland, you're likely to encounter people from other countries than you. People who speak different languages and who have different norms for how they receive healthcare.
Topics: Healthcare, PCC
Gender Identity's Role in the Workplace
It's been true for decades that gender roles in United States workplaces have been changing. While this can sometimes feel jarring if you grew up expecting to interact in one way with men and another with women, culturally, learning these changing norms can be very helpful. Furthermore, the growing inclusion and acceptance of transgender and nonbinary identities in the professional sphere has added additional challenges for those who may not understand these concepts or simply not be aware of how to address their colleagues.
Topics: Professional Development, Business, Equity & Inclusion