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How to Choose the Right Electrical Technician Training Program

Posted by PCC Continuing Education on May 31, 2023

Electrical technicians have a promising future in an engaging career. As the push to move toward everything, from vehicles to home appliances, and away from fossil fuels continues, we can expect to see high demand for technicians to help make this technology usable and widespread. The career also offers flexibility in terms of work setting and location.  

Electrical technicians need only an associate's degree to embark on their career, making this training an excellent investment in the future. Those interested in joining this exciting career field can start the training immediately and have the skills for in-demand work relatively quickly. 

If you're wondering how to become an electrical technician, this article will help you understand how to choose the right electrical technician training program. Let's take a closer look! 

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Topics: Electrical Technician

Remote Training for an Electrical Technician

Posted by CLIMB Professional Development and Training on March 12, 2021

So much of our modern world runs on electricity. Electrical technicians are needed every time a new system needs to be installed, repaired, or maintained. Education for this career has evolved to the point where much of the training is done online. Electrical technician remote training covers the skills needed for the job, including important safety components, to quickly get you into the workforce. Portland needs electrical technicians as one of its high-demand bedrock trades, so training quickly and flexibly benefits you and your community.

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Topics: CLIMB Center, Remote Career Training, Electrical Technician

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