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Business Profile: Coffee Time

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on July 29, 2018

There is little that is more "iconic Portland" than owning a coffee shop, but even with all of the competition, Susan Thomas is operating a successful business . . . with a little help from her friends at the PCC SBDC. 

Business description: Coffee Shop
Business start-date:
1994 (Susan purchased the business in May 2014)

What inspired you to start your business?  I’ve always enjoyed working hard and seeing a business grow and evolve. At the time I bought Coffee Time I had been managing for Starbucks and realized that as much as I enjoyed working for a great company, I would rather be putting that energy into building my own business. Coffee Time was only 2 blocks from my house and it was a shop that I had frequented for 2-3 years. I began dreaming of ways to keep its unique vibe but re-build it into something that could sustain Portland’s changing customer base. With the help of a great staff and business partner, we have been able to do that.

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Topics: Small Business, Business Profiles, Coffee

Business Profile: Float North

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on July 23, 2018

After 3 years of planning and preparing, Capital Access Team (CAT Team) client Float North can say, "we did it!"

Float North registered as an LLC in 2015, but it took 3 years to get funding, find a location, design the interior, complete the build out, and install float tanks. On July 21st2018 they opened their doors to the public for the first time. Owner, Dana Highfil, says that couldn't have done it without help from the Small Business Development Center's Capital Access Team. Here is their story.

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Topics: Small Business, Business Profiles

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Business

Posted by Sean Harry on July 02, 2018

Starting a small business can be a daunting process, and being underprepared can spell disaster. If you’re thinking about starting a business, ask yourself these questions first.

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Topics: Small Business, Starting a Business

Food Entrepreneur: Betsy Walton

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on June 27, 2018


With 22 years as a retail store manager and 17 years in Apparel Product Management at Adidas, Betsy Walton knows her way around a store. About a decade ago she decided to leave all of that behind and strike out on her own in the food production business. For 8 years she was the owner of "Our Favorite Foods LLC" -- a local pickle maker. Today she teaches and advises other food entrepreneurs through the Getting Your Recipe to Market class for the PCC Small Business Development Center.

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Topics: Small Business

How to Determine Your Value Proposition to Attract New Customers

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on June 26, 2018

Developing your value proposition is critical to successfully moving forward with your business. By learning how to create a value proposition you will be making a commitment to appeal to your target audience and draw in new customers. These customers will help ensure you are reaching profit goals and seeing the results you desire.

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Topics: Small Business, Starting a Business, Growing a Business

Company Culture Is More Than a Mission Statement

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on June 21, 2018

We get it, not all companies can be Google, offering complimentary laundry services, haircuts, gourmet meals, nap pods, swimming pools... We can go on but you get the idea. Google discovered early on that a happy employee is a productive employee. When you can hold on to great employees, it means less time and money spent on recruitment and training. And keeping those employees happy? That will translate to your bottom line. Read on to discover why company culture is MUCH more than just a mission statement.

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Topics: Professional Development, Small Business, Leadership, Growing a Business

10 Reasons It’s Great to Be an Entrepreneur

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on June 19, 2018





Updated Feb. 15, 2022

There’s something exciting about starting your own business, especially if it’s something you’re truly passionate about. Entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of the American economy, and many people rely on small businesses to provide the goods and services they need, as well as to create jobs for the local economy.

That’s the precise reason that we celebrate National Entrepreneur Week, because it celebrates the benefits of being an entrepreneur. There are numerous reasons it's great to be an entrepreneur, and that’s why we’re celebrating National Entrepreneurship Week. Below we’ll discuss the top ten reasons why being an entrepreneur is so great:

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Topics: Small Business, Starting a Business

Key Factors to Starting a Business

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on June 05, 2018

As an entrepreneur, there are many considerations in opening a new business. Considerations may include funding, developing of your product or service, marketing including website development, finding the right location for your business or digital storefront, attracting customers/creating sales and many more. Of course, it’s important to also consider challenges related to the psychology of entrepreneurship. Today’s article provides a snapshot of the top five psychological considerations you could experience which can help to reveal some insights and tips for ways to overcome each.

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Topics: Small Business, Starting a Business

Should You Care About Local Listings? Yes!

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 29, 2018

With the proliferation of smartphone devices and apps like Yelp and TripAdvisor, review sites are a powerful driving force for consumers’ decision making. These local listings sites, along with location-based listings like Google My Business, are critical for small business success in today’s competitive, digital landscape.

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Topics: Small Business

Business Profile: Bee and Bloom (Making Portland Safe for Pollinators)

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 22, 2018

Taking a holistic approach to improving pollinator health, Emily Parker, Rebekah Golden and Emma Egstad promote sustainable, bee-centric beekeeping and native bee awareness in the Portland area.

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Topics: Small Business, Business Profiles

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