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5 Business Needs That Every Exporting Company Needs to be Aware of

Posted by David Kohl on July 11, 2017

Running an exporting business can be an exciting venture, and a profitable one as well. In one year, American export companies have accounted for over $770 billion in sending/selling goods to more than 150 different countries. When considering global export and jumping into the international business trade, here are some important factors to keep in mind:

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Topics: Small Business

Explore the Top Business Types for Encore Entrepreneurs

Posted by Jackie Babicky Peterson on June 22, 2017

While most people might think of a young, ambitious, risk-taker when referring to an entrepreneur, the truth is that a growing number of people over the age of 50 are starting their own businesses. According to a recent study by National Trends, those ages 55 to 64 have a higher rate of new entrepreneurial activity than the 20-34 age group. These “encore entrepreneurs” are putting the skills and talents they’ve acquired over their lifetime to start a new challenge. Encore entrepreneurship allows older individuals many of whom have been downsized, to pursue alternative ways to make money, to start the business they have always wanted of simply to start something whereby they can leave a legacy..

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Topics: Small Business

Encore Entrepreneur: Jackie Babicky Peterson

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on June 06, 2017

Article originally posted on AARP Oregon on June 1, 2017.

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Topics: Small Business, Encore Entrepreneurship

4 Tips for Utilizing Technology to Grow Your Business

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 30, 2017

Entrepreneurs often want to start their own business because they have a passion for a certain product or service and have some expertise in how to deliver it. However, there are many facets of running a business that are equally important to its growth..

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Topics: Small Business, Starting a Business, Growing a Business

The 5 Questions You Should Ask to Identify Your Target Market

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 26, 2017

If you own a small business, or you’re thinking of starting one, you may believe the best way to market your business is to get your message out to everyone. The more people you can reach, the more sales you can achieve, right? The problem with that approach is it’s a bit like trying to catch all the fish in the sea. If you try to do that, you’re going to waste time and resources. That’s why you need to identify your target market. The most effective and efficient way to market your business is by focusing on the group of consumers that is the best fit for your product or service — the ones most likely to buy what you’re selling. The Small Business Development Center has put together a list of 5 questions you should ask to help you identify your target market.

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Topics: Small Business, Growing a Business

7 Reasons Managers Need to Make Employee Skill Development a Priority

Posted by Mary Bradbury Jones on May 23, 2017

Does your company invest in professional development for its employees? Have you thought about it? Maybe you should. Investing in the professional growth of your employees has many benefits that more than justify any associated costs. In this post we’ll look at the seven different reasons managers should make employee skill development a priority.

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Topics: Professional Development, Small Business, HR & Organizational Effectiveness

The Tough Transition from Worker to Leader That Every Business Owner Needs to Make at Some Point in Order to Grow

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 19, 2017

Starting your own business can be exciting and it takes a great deal of time and energy. At first, most small business owners wear many hats, taking on the work of multiple functional areas (operations, sales, accounting, marketing, and HR etc.) all by themselves or with just a very small team. As you grow your business,  through the early days, the challenges of taking on all the work will slowly be lifted as your team expands.  Unfortunately, many small business owners struggle with this transition from worker to manager and leader. When you’re used to doing everything your way it can be difficult to give up some of the control you’ve had for so many years. Michael Gerber, author of the E-Myth refers to this transitions as moving from “working in the business, to working on the business.” There are many things you can do to make the transition from worker to leader smoother, and position your business for success.

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Topics: Small Business, Growing a Business

City of Portland Helps with Graffiti Removal

Posted by Leslie Hildula on May 18, 2017

Originally created for the Portland Chinese Times by Leslie Hildula, Jade District Business Liaison from Small Business Development Center at Portland Community College.

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Topics: Small Business, Retail

How the State of Oregon is Impacted by Global Trade

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 16, 2017

Each May is World Trade Month, which makes now the perfect time to explore the role global trade plays in the economy. Given 95% of the world’s population and 75% of consumers reside outside the US, global trade is responsible for a significant number of jobs as well as business stability and growth. This isn’t restricted to major corporations either; small businesses actually have a lot to gain from exporting. Today’s post will highlight some of the reasons and the ways Oregon small businesses can get involved.

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Topics: Small Business, Global Trade, Growing a Business

Jackie Peterson is Leading the Way in Encore Entrepreneurship

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on May 11, 2017

What is encore entrepreneurship?

If you haven’t heard of it yet, you will soon. Encore entrepreneurship is on the rise!

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Topics: Small Business, Encore Entrepreneurship

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