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How to Boost Immunity with Ayurveda and Yoga

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on March 05, 2021

by Instructor, Ann Wagoner

According to the ancients, there are many ways to boost immunity. By looking to the timeless wisdom of India in Ayurveda, the science of life, as well as to Yoga, we can find many simple practices to put in place. Yoga is much more than stretching, it is the union of the polarities of mind, body and consciousness that we can observe in the breath. In Ayurveda, the three pillars of health are: Food, Sleep and Self-Control. The food choices we make influence our health. We can let food to be our medicine. A healthy sleep routine promotes rest, rejuvenation and the removal of wastes from the body. Self-Control (Brahmacharya) is an aspect of health that is often overlooked.

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Topics: Healthcare, CLIMB Center, institute for health professionals, Ayurveda, Yoga

Advance Your Career with Our 300-Hour Yoga Program

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on February 19, 2021

People are looking for ways to keep their bodies active while also keeping their bodies and minds more flexible and resilient. After taking a 200-hour yoga ayurveda training, graduates may continue advancing their yoga career while offering excellent classes to students.

PCC IHP’s 300-hour yoga teacher training class can further your understanding of yoga and prepare you to teach others.

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Topics: CLIMB Center, institute for health professionals, Ayurveda, Yoga

The Relationship Between Ayurveda and Yoga

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on September 17, 2020

Portland Community College's (PCC's) Ayurveda training course together with the Yoga Health Training Program can help you explore new meaningful realms in life and work. The courses are relevant whether you are (or want to become) a massage therapist, nurse, nurse practitioner, or nutritionist. These courses enhance the practices for homeopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, and medical doctors. The subtle body knowledge covered is invaluable to acupuncturists, physician's assistants or medical assistants, craniosacral practitioners, fitness professionals, and to any practitioner who needs continuing education credits  (PACE) with the National Ayurvedic Medical Association or other accrediting organizations. By discovering correct perception in life and understanding the relationship between Ayurveda and Yoga, you can experience more relaxation, energy and calm in the midst of life’s storms.

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Topics: Healthcare, Ayurveda, Yoga

5 Reasons to Enroll in 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on June 10, 2020

Yoga is an ancient practice that works to unite the mind and body through the use of meditation and physical poses, as well as other disciplines originating in ancient India. Many people who practice yoga consider taking their knowledge to the next level. With the Registered Yoga Teacher 200-hour course (RYT-200), you will get into the background, underpinnings, and physical forms of yoga, but the more extensive training certification from the Yoga Alliance is the RYT-500, which requires 300 additional hours of training.

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Topics: CLIMB Center, Integrative Healthcare, institute for health professionals, Yoga

What is Ayurveda Yoga?

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on March 16, 2020

When you think of yoga, it's common to think of it as a method of relaxing and finding inner peace. What many people don't realize is that there are various types of yoga that allow you to work on your mental, physical, and emotional health through different exercises. It's not solely a method of meditation or working your muscles, but also a way to fully embrace your health and healing.

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Topics: Portland, Ayurveda, Yoga

Fall/Winter Ayurveda Chai Recipe - and effects of various kitchen spices

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on November 18, 2019

The following is a special chai recipe offered by our Ayurvedic Yoga Health Program Instructor, Ann Wagoner. This balancing (Satvic) tea is wonderful in fall. Add spices for your constitution (Dosha). 

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Topics: Ayurveda, Yoga

Ayurveda and Yoga Offer an Infinite Well of Wisdom to Tap and an Unlimited Number of New Discoveries to Make

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on September 05, 2018

Ann Wagoner is a yoga therapist, has taught yoga for over 25 years and is a certified practitioner of Ayurveda. She researched protocols and herbs for the prevention of cancer recurrence and is a NAMA presenter. She is also a student of Rama Jyoti Vernon and publishes yoga books. We recently asked her about her experience with Ayurveda, and what inspires her about teaching and the subject matter. 

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Topics: Healthcare, Meet the IHP Team, Stories & News, Integrative Healthcare, institute for health professionals, Portland Community College, Ayurveda, Yoga, PCC Stories

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