Holiday season is quickly approaching, and for many retail businesses this time of year has the potential to make or break the entire year financially. It’s vital to start preparing as early as possible, so you don’t leave any potential sales or revenue on the table after the holidays are over.
Holiday sales make up about 18 percent of overall annual retail sales, and in 2016 those numbers are expected to grow around 3.7 percent. Combine this with recent evidence that a growing majority of American consumers favor buying and shopping local, and it’s no wonder holiday craft fairs have seen a boom in recent years.
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Small Business,
Starting a Business,
Growing a Business
The Holidays are such an important time of year for small businesses. For many, especially in retail, the Holidays may make or break the entire financial year. Craft fairs and holiday markets have become popular among both consumers and small businesses during this time. But are businesses doing all they can to maximize their retail sales from holiday markets?
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Small Business,
Starting a Business,
Growing a Business
After spending 30 years in the banking and financial services industry, SBDC Advisor and Instructor Terry Long shares his expertise to help small business owners set up, understand and utilize their financial information to build a successful business. Here is his story. . .
Why do you teach & advise? I get great fulfillment when working with Small Business Owners in assisting them with their passion and dreams of taking on this exciting adventure in achieving a successful and profitable business.
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Small Business,
Meet the SBDC Team,
Stories & News,
Starting a Business,
Growing a Business,
small business builders
Orientations offered by PCC’s Small Business Development Center (at no cost!) are a great way to learn about the opportunities we offer to help you turn your business idea into action. A typical orientation includes a small group of future entrepreneurs – but may also include sole-proprietors and small business owners seeking to find efficient, practical and effective solutions to common business-related challenges. You’ll leave our 2-hour orientation having identified new resources, and with an action plan to guide your next steps.
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Small Business,
Encore Entrepreneurship,
Starting a Business,
Growing a Business,
Getting Your Recipe to Market
Developing your value proposition is critical to successfully moving forward with your business. By learning how to create a value proposition you will be making a commitment to appeal to your target audience and draw in new customers. These customers will help ensure you are reaching profit goals and seeing the results you desire.
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Small Business,
Starting a Business,
Growing a Business
We get it, not all companies can be Google, offering complimentary laundry services, haircuts, gourmet meals, nap pods, swimming pools... We can go on but you get the idea. Google discovered early on that a happy employee is a productive employee. When you can hold on to great employees, it means less time and money spent on recruitment and training. And keeping those employees happy? That will translate to your bottom line. Read on to discover why company culture is MUCH more than just a mission statement.
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Professional Development,
Small Business,
Growing a Business
How many times have you heard someone say that they have a “million dollar idea” that actually sounded like it could be turned into a viable business plan? Some of the best entrepreneurs were observant of a problem that needed to be solved, or a demand for a product or service, and decided to take the leap to create a business out of it.
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Small Business,
Growing a Business
Becoming a Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) can increase your value as an employee and open the door to new opportunities. Just consider the fact that 70% of the world’s purchasing power lays outside the United States — this certification proves your proficiency at international trade, which is extremely useful and highly sought after in today’s economy. Today’s post will provide an overview of what global business certification is and how to become certified.
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Small Business,
Growing a Business
Running a restaurant successfully is a difficult endeavor, and it requires effective restaurant management to help your business thrive. Diners expect quick and excellent service from staff that strive to ensure they have a pleasurable meal. The best way to provide that is through an efficiently managed restaurant.
Successfully run restaurants require a myriad of things to run properly and smoothly, including your management, wait and cook staff, and even the layout of your restaurant can have an impact. Without each of these things operating cohesively, your restaurant as a whole could suffer. We’ve put together four steps to strengthen each of these areas and improve performance.
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Growing a Business,
Updated June 1, 2022
The theory behind the left brain versus the right brain is rooted in the notion that the two halves of the brain control very different functions of our minds. The left brain is believed to control language, sequencing, math, and logic, while the right side of the brain is the more creative side; where feelings, imagination, and artistic abilities reside.
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Small Business,
Growing a Business