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3 Difficult Business Conversations and How to Make Them Easier

Posted by Mary Bradbury Jones on September 15, 2015

No one wants to endure the discomfort of having difficult discussions; yet it’s a part of every job. Doing it well is what separates a leader from simply a manager.  

Here are three difficult business conversations you may encounter and a few tips on how to not only make them easier, but more effective. Please note this is NOT legal advice and you should make sure you are following all state and federal laws as well as your HR department guidelines.

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Topics: Professional Development, Small Business, Communications, Leadership

ICYMI You Now Can Invest in Oregon Small Businesses - Legally!

Posted by Noah Brockman on September 14, 2015

Did you know...

Investing in businesses used to be reserved for high net-worth individuals regarded as “accredited investors” limiting the pool of investment for small businesses. But now businesses can receive investments from all Oregon residents.

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Topics: Small Business, Growing a Business

Business Profile: Café de Crepe

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on September 11, 2015

The PCC Small Business Development Center is proud of the great work all of their clients are accomplishing in their businesses. Our Business Profile feature series highlights businesses at all stages of development and success. 

Business: Café de Crepe

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Topics: Small Business, Business Profiles

7 Common Leadership Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Posted by Mary Bradbury Jones on September 10, 2015

Being in a leadership role is more than having a strong understanding of the job and what work needs to be done. You must be able to motivate others to perform at their best but be willing to provide constructive criticism or discipline when needed.

Developing your leadership skill sets is the first step in succeeding as a leader. As well as learning which behaviors you should avoid. Even with the best intentions, bad behavior can make critical mistakes that are detrimental to company culture and employee morale.

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Topics: Professional Development, Small Business, Leadership

Is My Business Ready To Sell Globally?

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on September 09, 2015

Making the decision to take a step into the global marketplace can be daunting and mysterious. So many rules and regulations. How do I know what I do not know? What if I do something wrong?

According to the Small Business Administration, only one percent of the United States’ 30 million businesses export their products. This percentage is lower than any other developed country in the world, yet, 95% of all customers are found outside the US. Wow, really? 

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Topics: Small Business, Global Trade, Growing a Business

A Fine Line: Self-Promotion vs. Arrogance in Business

Posted by Mary Bradbury Jones on September 04, 2015

When you are building your career, no matter what field it is in, self-promotion is important. There are some conflicting views on whether or not it is beneficial or detrimental, but in the end, the more others know about how you can contribute to their success, the more sought after your services will be.

The key is to find the balance between self-promotion and arrogance.

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Topics: Professional Development, Small Business, Communications, Leadership

3 Steps to Starting Your Own Herbalism Business

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on September 01, 2015

If you’re interested in the healing power of medicinal herbs and plants and have an entrepreneurial spirit, then starting your own herbalism business might appeal to you. Hard work and risk is involved like any other small business, but it can be a rewarding choice with the freedom of being your own boss.

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Topics: Small Business, Healthcare, Herbalism

Business Profile: Salty’s Pet Supply

Posted by PCC Small Business Development Center on August 28, 2015

The PCC Small Business Development Center is proud of the great work all of their clients are accomplishing in their businesses. Our Business Profile feature series highlights businesses at all stages of development and success.

Business: Salty’s Dog & Cat Shop LLC: DBA Salty’s Pet Supply // DBA Fang & Feather

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Topics: Small Business, Business Profiles

Exploring a Second Act Career: Becoming an Encore Entrepreneur

Posted by Jackie Babicky Peterson on August 27, 2015

There is no age limit in the business world. Indeed, a group known as “encore entrepreneurs,” people over the age of 50 who start a business, is on the rise. According to a Kauffman Foundation survey cited by Forbes, those aged 55 to 64 invest in new business ventures at a higher rate than other age groups—making up 23% of all new entrepreneurs. With so many middle aged and older adults taking the lead, entrepreneurs and business leaders from every age group are starting to take note.

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Topics: Small Business, Encore Entrepreneurship

Productivity Tip: Finding the Lead Domino

Posted by Mary Bradbury Jones on August 26, 2015

Many times in life, in business, or at work, you may find yourself overwhelmed with a long to-do list and not enough time. All of these action items may appear to be high-priority tasks and the weight of it all can be crushing. If you’re like most of us, then you want to become more efficient at work, and you want life to feel easier.

In this article, we’ll look at how you can increase productivity by making new, informed choices related to your to-do list. Instead of diving straight into your tasks haphazardly, you can prioritize your to-do list by finding the “lead domino.”

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Topics: Professional Development, Small Business, Operations, Communications, Project Management

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