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Meet Your Instructor: Dr. Kitt Guaraldi

Posted by PCC Institute for Health Professionals on July 24, 2024

Dr. Kitt Guaraldi is an instructor for the Functional Nutrition Program at Portland Community College. 

kitt guaraldi square

Dr. Kitt Guaraldi hales from New Hampshire and Vermont. She relocated to Oregon for Naturopathic medical school when she discovered that this one degree would allow her to mesh all her loves: manual therapy/bodywork, natural childbirth, homeopathy, nutrition and helping people of all genders, sizes, shapes, colors and ages. 

During school Kitt discovered her own intolerance to dairy and gluten, which helped resolve some very long-standing symptoms and opened her world to boundless creativity in the kitchen. She uses this personal experience to guide people in their food decisions and believes what we eat is one of our most fundamental tools. 

Dr. Kitt runs a private family medical practice in SE Portland and welcomes patients from 8 minutes to 80 years old for a range of commonplace to less normal concerns. She also practiced as a homebirth midwife until 2022 but now focuses on pediatrics & adult healthcare, including preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery.

When she’s not at work Kitt enjoys culinary experiments, long walks, riding her cruiser bike “Willy” around town, park frolics with her daughter & partner, and vying to finish ever half-done embroidery and knitting projects.


Topics: Meet the IHP Team, Functional Nutrition

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