Katie Berigtold, MScN teaches Fundamentals of Nutrition in the Functional Nutrition program.
What is one misconception you see in the nutrition field?
I believe the greatest misconception is the belief in a “one size fits all” dietary plan that works equally well for all individuals. There are certainly general nutrition recommendations that most would be better off following than not, but we must take into consideration an individual’s current state of health, and bio individuality (among other factors) when designing a nutrition plan to help put them on the path to optimal health.
If you could give one piece of advice to all your future students, what would it be?
I would advise them that it is important to gain a basic knowledge of what constitutes a healthy diet, but to also always remain open minded. The ability to think critically and form one’s own opinions about diet and health is an incredibly valuable skill. I would encourage them to always stay excited and enthusiastic about the field of nutrition, and to be continually willing to read, learn, and further develop their knowledge.
How do you keep yourself knowledgeable and up to date on trends in your field?
I’m always interested in what is going on in the media with respect to nutrition and how that stacks up against the research. I love taking the time to dig deeper and review current studies. In particular, I find the emerging information about how nutrition affects the health of the gut to be particularly interesting and important.
What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy weightlifting and yoga (interesting combination, I know), spending time with family in the Reno/Tahoe area where I am from, and continuing to explore my new home in the Pacific Northwest!