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What We Are Reading This Summer

Posted by Sean Harry on June 29, 2021

Books on desk in library at the elementary school-1With the overwhelming heatwave we've been experiencing the past week or so, you may have noticed that summer has officially arrived in Portland! Along with summer comes time for reflection and expanding our knowledge – which means summer reading (and/or listening) lists. We’ve asked some PCC SBDC Advisors to share what’s on their reading list this summer and thought we would share it with you. Some of these books are specifically focused on business, while some of them are more for personal pleasure and/or professional development. Here's what's on our reading lists this summer:

On Tammy and David’s list is “a new book just out by our colleague Maurice Kogan "Roadmap to Export Success: Take your company from local to global.” David adds, “We will be using this as a text for our new "Buying and Selling Outside of the US" course (formerly Global Trade Management).”

Sean is reading “Business Made Simple: 60 days to master leadership, sales, marketing, execution, management, personal productivity and more” by Donald Miller. Also on Sean's list are: "Marketing Rebellion: the most human company wins" by Mark Schaefer; “Walden: or Life in the Woods” by Henry David Thoreau; and “Day Hiking the Columbia Gorge” by Craig Romano.

Elisa has three books on her summer reading list: “Post Corona: from crisis to opportunity” by Scott Galloway; “Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria?” by Beverly Daniel Tatum; and “Crying in H Mart” by Michelle Zauner

Noah tells us he’s “reading and referring to a bunch of different books on writing fiction. Not very businesslike, but timely for what I’m up to.”

Mike P says, “I've been reading "Mastering Marketing Agility" by Andrea Fryrear as I continue my effort to balance long term planning and predictability with the ability to shift priorities to address more immediate needs.” 

While Mike K says, “My current read and study is a book called "Waking Up To What You Do" by Diane Eshin Rizzetto.”

Kim is reading Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World” by David Epstein, as well as So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ileoma Oluo; and “The Most Good You Can Do: how effective altruism is changing ideas about living ethically” by Peter Singer.

What’s on YOUR reading list this summer? We would love to know!

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