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Real Estate Property Management - Skills Can Lead to a Career, or Help Students Improve their Personal Investment Management Skills

Posted by CLIMB Professional Development and Training on August 28, 2018


Dave Amato has been active in the real estate industry for 45+ years and an active Real Estate Broker since 2003. During his 23-year career as a builder/developer his projects added over 200 units of housing to Portland metro market. He has served on the board of directors for the Portland Metropolitan Home builders and currently serves on the Board of the Oregon Association of Realtors. We recently sat down with him to learn more about his course.

How did you become interested in the subject matter?
I became interested as a student (50+ years ago). I have worked in the real estate field in one capacity or another for over 40 years in areas that include banking, development & construction (built over 200 units of housing in the Portland metro area 1979-2003) and property management and sales. I've taught several real estate classes at PCC over the past 10+ years, presently property management. 

What is it about the subject that compels you to remain interested?
I’m compelled by the impact that real property ownership and/or occupancy has on the lives of people and their families and, as a consequence, society overall. The applied societal concept of real property ownership, maintenance and management can make or break a culture.

How will your students be impacted by this class?
Some will pass the Oregon state licensing exam, pursue employment opportunities in the field and make themselves a career. Others will use their new knowledge to further their personal investment real estate management skills. Those that choose to take this class for their own personal education will learn the complexities involved with managing residential real estate.

How do you intend to keep exploring this subject matter?
I maintain my current Oregon Real Estate Broker license, and my position on the Oregon Association of Realtors Board of Directors, and I continue to stay actively engaged in the real estate business as I have for the preceding 40+ years.

Are there any current trends that you find interesting?
The most interesting ongoing real estate issue, to me, is the continuing efforts of the local jurisdictions to limit the growth in the region while they try to encourage housing production to be affordable, accessible and plentiful.

What do you like about working at PCC?
Interaction with the students and other faculty. That aspect was more evident when the Real Estate classes were part of the Business School.

Share an interesting thing that you have learned from your students.
Each adult learner is motivated by their own particular circumstance. The way that learner applies themselves to the materials presented is a function of their own personal situation. Each has their own story to tell. 

What class will you teach next term?
Real Estate Property Management. (I might add -online classes provide students with great flexibility regarding day and time.)

How long have you been teaching at PCC?
10+ years

Topics: Professional Development, Meet the PDT Team, Stories & News, Real Estate, Portland, Portland Community College, Property Management License, Oregon

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