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Crafting Masterpieces: Unveiling the Three Courses in PCC's Tattoo Continuing Education Program

Posted by CLIMB Professional Development and Training on November 28, 2023

Tattoo Continuing Education

Tattoo artistry is a dynamic field that requires a blend of creativity, technical skill, and a deep understanding of the industry's ever-evolving landscape. Portland Community College's Tattoo Continuing Education Program stands as a beacon for individuals seeking to delve into or elevate their careers in the world of tattooing. Let's explore the three courses that form the foundation of this enriching program and the myriad benefits they offer to aspiring and experienced tattoo artists alike.

1. Business Issues for Tattooists: Business Concepts

The course "Business Issues for Tattooists: Business Concepts" equips participants with essential knowledge to thrive in the tattoo industry. Covering key business concepts, attendees will learn about legal considerations, financial management, marketing strategies, and customer relations tailored to the unique challenges of the tattoo business. This course provides practical insights to help tattooists navigate the industry successfully, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the business side of tattoo artistry.

2. Recent Issues in Tattoo Law

"Recent Issues in Tattoo Law" is a crucial course for tattoo professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest legal developments in the industry. Participants will delve into current legal challenges, regulations, and emerging trends affecting tattoo artists. The course covers topics such as intellectual property, health and safety regulations, and client consent issues. By the end, attendees will be well-versed in the legal landscape of tattooing, ensuring compliance and informed decision-making.

3. Intellectual Property: Who Owns a Tattoo?

In the course "Intellectual Property: Who Owns a Tattoo?" participants will explore the complex realm of tattoo ownership and intellectual property rights. Delving into legal nuances, attendees will gain insights into copyright issues, artist-client agreements, and the protection of tattoo designs. This course is essential for tattoo artists and enthusiasts seeking a comprehensive understanding of the intellectual property landscape in the tattoo industry.

Benefits of Enrolling:

  • Holistic Skill Development: The three-course structure ensures a holistic development of both artistic and professional skills, making graduates well-rounded and adaptable in the industry.
  • Expert Instruction: Learn from experienced professionals who bring real-world insights and expertise, providing valuable mentorship throughout the program.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engage with a community of like-minded individuals and industry professionals, fostering connections that can lead to collaborations and career opportunities.
  • Flexibility: The program accommodates diverse schedules, offering flexibility for individuals with other commitments.
  • Industry-Recognized Certification: Graduates receive a certification that attests to their proficiency and commitment to excellence, enhancing their credibility in the competitive tattooing landscape.

Aspiring and established tattoo artists can explore the details and enrollment process for these transformative courses on our website. Elevate your tattooing journey with PCC's Tattoo Continuing Education Program—where art meets expertise, and passion transforms into mastery.

Topics: Professional Development, CLIMB Center

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