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Introduction to Remote Professional Development Courses for Business Professionals

Posted by CLIMB Professional Development and Training on June 11, 2020


Comprehensive business coursework can help you enter one of many different fields and can prepare you for the challenges and opportunities that will come your way. With remote professional development courses for business professionals you can learn in-depth information, grow your skills, and gain valuable insight for your next steps in your career. Get to know our course offerings and how they can put you on the path to your dream career. 

In-depth, flexible courses that offer you training and coursework over multiple months offer enough time for new knowledge to sink in and for you to consider various real-world scenarios and examples that are used to bring the classroom to life. 

Payroll Practice

Payroll Practice and Management is a great career path for meticulous individuals who want to provide a core function for companies that helps them stay in federal labor law compliance. You can take our remote Payroll Practice and Management course and find yourself well-equipped for the rigors of a career in payroll. The course walks you step-by-step through federal and state regulations regarding how employees must be paid and income must be reported, and then walks you through the common pitfalls that can happen at the payroll level and how to avoid them. You'll go into depth on payroll administration systems as well as how to administer benefits, helping you become a more well-rounded candidate for Human Resources work.

Grant Writing

Beginning work as a grant writer without a full background in the subject can be overwhelming. However, learning from experienced professionals through our Grant Writing course will teach you the building blocks of a successful grant proposal. This begins by understanding what kinds of work are grant funded, understanding and abiding by the Call For Proposals, and how to start successfully with a particular grant application. You'll dive into more advanced techniques, understand the role of fundraising in the grant-funding landscape, and even brush up on your technical writing skills.

Salesforce: Power User

Salesforce has become a key application for many aspects of modern business. You become a much more in-demand applicant to jobs when you are a highly skilled user with a 30-hour, 6-month course focused on becoming a Salesforce Power User under your belt. This course covers migrating a company to the software, how to be an administrator in the software, and the common uses of the product. You'll dive deep on how to use Salesforce for automation and what features are available to you that will help you and your employer work smarter not harder. 

Mastering Project Management With Microsoft Project 2016

The ever-increasing complexity of modern work means that Project Managers are playing more and more important roles. Our remote professional development  Mastering Project Management course, you'll learn the basics of becoming a successful project manager while also getting you familiar with the ins and outs of one of the most popular project management software products, Microsoft Project 2016. Combining a general skill course with a particular software's design elements effectively helps you understand the theory and big picture of the field while also getting into the nitty gritty of managing projects in a software platform. You'll learn about how to assign tasks through the software, manage the resources available, follow-up with team members, and assess project performance in order to implement changes for future projects. 

Chartered Tax Professional

Being a careful, numbers-oriented person makes you a great candidate for a career path that is in consistent demand: tax preparation! With the remote Chartered Tax Professional course, you'll learn the many complex factors that go into individual income tax returns and prepare yourself for seeking further credentials and exams that authorize you to prepare tax returns for a living. You'll spend extensive time learning about both advanced cases of individual tax circumstances, as well as how to handle small business tax returns accurately to give your future clients reassurance that their taxes are filed satisfactorily with the IRS.

Non-Profit Management

Running a non-profit organization can share many elements with other business leadership roles, but there are unique challenges and opportunities when you choose to go the non-profit route. Appropriate for both current non-profit management who want to grow their expertise and for people choosing non-profit management as a new career path, the Non-Profit Management course extends your knowledge through case studies and clear theory behind best practices on the topic. You'll go deep on the legal ramifications of your role in a non-profit, handling finances in a responsible way, managing fundraising efforts, leading, communicating, and budgeting your way to non-profit success. You'll be amazed by the breadth of the course that will help you identify particular niches in the non-profit world that are best suited to your strengths as a leader.

This is only the beginning of your journey with our online professional development for business professionals courses. We offer many additional online business courses. For further programming and to  sign up for your next favorite class, visit our Business page

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