Education for professionals

Small Business Success Story: Angela Ellison Creative

Written by PCC Small Business Development Center | June 26, 2024

From Teacher to Entrepreneur: A Natural Evolution

Angela Ellison, the inspiring force behind Angela Ellison Creative LLC, transitioned from a public school teacher to a small business owner in 2021. Her business, based in Beaverton, Oregon, supports conscious creatives and sensitive women solopreneurs with the systems and tools they need to grow their businesses sustainably. Angela’s offerings include thought partnerships and systems strategy, designed to help solopreneurs organize their business operations through intentional planning and compassionate conversations.

Angela's journey began with a desire to continue impacting the future positively, similar to her teaching days. "I created my business out of natural curiosity and a desire to support fellow small business owners in living out their creative vision," Angela shares. Her passion for the creative process and her respect for its vulnerability fuel her dedication to her clients.

Overcoming Challenges with PCC SBDC’s Support

Before engaging with the Portland Community College Small Business Development Center (PCC SBDC), Angela faced significant challenges. "I needed someone with more experience to guide me in the process of creating my business from the ground up," she recalls. Issues like pricing her services and ensuring profitability were particularly daunting.

The turning point came when Angela connected with Jackie B. Peterson, a senior business advisor at the PCC SBDC. "She was warm, friendly, and gave me incredible advice in our first conversation," Angela says, which led her to enroll in the Business Builders training program in 2022. This course gave Angela invaluable lessons on managing financial information, understanding business legalities, and effective business planning.

Exciting Developments and a Fresh New Brand

Currently, Angela Ellison Creative is experiencing a wave of exciting developments. "The most exciting thing happening in my business these days is that I now have official branding – a beautiful logo family and fresh new brand colors, thanks to an amazing brand designer and friend, Renee Lynn Creative," Angela proudly announces. This rebranding effort has not only rejuvenated her business but also resonated deeply with her clients, enhancing her confidence in promoting her services.

Angela's love for her business shines through in her client interactions. She revels in the co-creative experience, exploring possibilities, tech tools, and planning out business processes. A testament to her impact, one client expressed, "I already feel better!" within minutes of their session. This heartfelt feedback affirms the value Angela brings to the table.

Milestones Achieved

Angela’s transparency about her entrepreneurial journey highlights her resilience and determination. Despite feeling lost and struggling to define her path, she persevered, and the support from PCC SBDC proved instrumental. "Since working with the PCC SBDC, I have been able to clearly define my ideal clients and know exactly who I want to serve," Angela explains. This clarity has empowered her to create more impactful marketing content and attract clients aligned with her values.

A significant milestone was offering high-ticket custom projects, made possible by the pricing strategies learned at the PCC SBDC. "It was really exciting when I got my first client for that service! That gave me a huge boost of confidence," Angela shares. Furthermore, the solid foundation established with PCC SBDC’s guidance enabled her to collaborate with other business owners, leading to the launch of a digital product with entrepreneur Ashlee Sang.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Angela's journey with the PCC SBDC has been transformative, and she highly recommends their services to other small business owners. "I really appreciated their kind, thoughtful, and knowledgeable approach to developing a thriving business," she says. The supportive environment, the ability to ask questions freely, and the sense of community were invaluable to her growth.

Angela is particularly grateful for the one-on-one support from advisors Kayla Banda, Jackie B. Peterson, and Kim Allchurch Flick. "The advisors at the PCC SBDC truly care about helping entrepreneurs carve out their own successful path. You will come away feeling more confident, inspired, and excited to build your business with strong foundations," Angela asserts.

Angela’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of supportive networks, and the impact of professional guidance. Through Angela Ellison Creative LLC, Angela continues to support and inspire other solopreneurs, embodying the very essence of a small business success story.

Ready to Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Journey with the PCC SBDC?

Are you ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey, or are you seeking support to take your small business to new heights? The PCC SBDC is here to help. Reach out to us, and let your journey begin. Jimin's story is just one example of the countless success stories our clients have created. Embrace the joy of entrepreneurship and create your unique path to success!


Want to learn more about how the PCC Small Business Development Center can help you start or grow your business?


Programs and services are provided to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Please contact us at 971-722-5080 or, to request accommodations. Oregon Small Business Development Centers are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and the Oregon Business Development Department.