Portland Community College is approved by the state of Oregon's Real Estate Agency (OREA) to provide Real Estate Broker pre-license and Property Manager pre-license courses.
Real Estate Broker License Test Prep Course
What to expect:
- The non-credit course covers seven topics as required by the state of Oregon for a total of 150 hours.
- Real Estate Law - 30 hours
- Real Estate Finance - 30 hours
- Oregon Real Estate Practices - 30 hours
- Contracts - 15 hours
- Agency - 15 hours
- Real Estate Brokerage - 20 hours
- Property Management - 10 hours
- A state-licensed, experienced instructor will guide you through the course and monitor your performance.
- The course is offered fully online. The online format requires on average 15 hours per week. It consists of readings, quizzes, and final assessments. There is no set time to be online for class. You choose when you want to be online, allowing you to work around your schedule.
- Cost: $645 [Tuition $525 + $100 for the textbook, $20 Distance Learning Fee]
- A digital textbook is included in the cost.
- Once you successfully complete this course, you are eligible to sit for the examination administered by the State of Oregon, which you must pass in order to be licensed. The Oregon Real Estate Agency requires you to submit an application and fee. For more information, please visit their website.
Upcoming Course Dates
Real Estate Property Management Course
What to expect:
- A 10 week, online, non-credit course, totaling 60 hours of education.
- A state-licensed, experienced instructor who will actively guide you through the course.
- Plan to spend at least 6 hours a week on coursework.
- Cost: $545 [Tuition $525 + $20 Fees] + Textbook [purchased separately by student]
Title: Property Management, Tenth Edition
Author: Robert C Kyle, Floyd M Baird
Publisher: Real Estate Education Company
ISBN: 978-1475435771
An earlier edition or E-book is acceptable. You can order this textbook using Amazon or another online bookstore. There are options to purchase new, used or rent. Please note the 8th edition is acceptable. PCC Bookstore will not have this book available for purchase.
Once you successfully complete this course, you are eligible to sit for the examination administered by the State of Oregon, which you must pass in order to be licensed. The Oregon Real Estate Agency requires you to submit an application and fee. For more information, please visit their website.
Upcoming Course Dates
>>> More Registration Details
Instructor Bios.
Gary Calvert has been involved in the Real Estate industry for over 35 years with experience in sale, purchase and management of real property, and has held several management positions with various real estate firms. He obtained his first Oregon real estate license in 1985 and currently works for Washington County, Oregon as the Real Estate Asset Manager. He began working at PCC in 1991 and has taught Introduction to Real Estate, Property Management, Real Estate Finance, Agency and Contracts. A true Oregonian, he is very active with his family and enjoys the outdoors and the beach and is an avid hiker who tends to focus on trails within the Columbia River Gorge, Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood. No need to address him as "Professor" or "Sir" - he prefers his first name (as it makes him feel younger).
Jerry Lasselle is an instructor for PCC’s real estate broker course and has taught the course for ten years. He’s worked as an accountant for a large national CPA firm and also as a staff attorney for large Northwest law firm. He has a B.S degree from Claremont College in Accounting, a MBA degree from University of Portland, and a Law Degree from Lewis and Clark Law School. In 1982 he became a full time Business Administration instructor at PCC and retired full time in 2014. Since then he’s worked as a Real Estate instructor at PCC. He’s lived in Portland all his life and says he’s amazed at the many changes the city has experienced.

Dave Amato has been active in the Real Estate industry for 45+ years and an active Real Estate Broker since 2003. During his 23-year career as a builder/developer his projects added over 200 units of housing to Portland metro market. He has served on the board of directors for the Portland Metropolitan Home builders and currently serves on the Board of the Oregon Association of Realtors. He is also a certified housing inspector for FEMA. Dave has taught several Real Estate classes at PCC over the past 10+ years, presently Property Management. A born and bred Oregonian, he enjoys the outdoors, has done 11 Cycle Oregon week long rides, likes to play golf and spends time with his family.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I enroll after the start of the term?
- Yes, you may enroll up to one week past the start of the term. The drop date for this course is six calendar days after the first class.
- Yes, you may enroll up to one week past the start of the term. The drop date for this course is six calendar days after the first class.
- Are there any pre-requisites for Broker Pre-License Education or Property Manager Pre-License Education?
- No, there are no pre-requisites.
- No, there are no pre-requisites.
- What qualifications do I need for for Broker Pre-License Education or Property Manager Pre-License Education?
- None. Neither programs requires qualifications to enroll.
- None. Neither programs requires qualifications to enroll.
- Is the class offered in person or online?
- Both Broker Pre-License Education and Property Manager Pre-License Education are offered online.
- Both Broker Pre-License Education and Property Manager Pre-License Education are offered online.
- Who is the instructor?
- The instructors are both Portland Community College Faculty and practitioners in the field.
- The instructors are both Portland Community College Faculty and practitioners in the field.
- Can I get financial aid?
- No, non-credit, continuing education courses are not eligible for financial aid.
- No, non-credit, continuing education courses are not eligible for financial aid.
- Is this a non-credit class?
- Yes, the Broker Pre-License Education or Property Manager Pre-License Education courses are non-credit. In this pass/no pass course students will receive a Satisfactory Competition (SC) or Non-Satisfactory Completion (NSC) at the end of the term.
- Yes, the Broker Pre-License Education or Property Manager Pre-License Education courses are non-credit. In this pass/no pass course students will receive a Satisfactory Competition (SC) or Non-Satisfactory Completion (NSC) at the end of the term.
- How do I get my Oregon Real Estate License?
- Please see this resource page for more information.
- Please see this resource page for more information.
- What are the steps to obtaining a real estate broker license?
- Click here to learn the steps to obtaining a real estate broker license.
- Click here to learn the steps to obtaining a real estate broker license.
- What are the steps to obtaining a property manager license?
- Click here to learn the steps to obtaining a property manager license.